Thursday, November 25, 2010

Week 14: Muddy- Thin Client Computing

Until this weeks lectures, I was unaware of thin client computing. I didn't understand how it worked or why anyone would want to use it. But I know see how it can save time and money. But what is thin client computing you may be asking.

The easiest way to begin is to explain what "think client" computing is. Most of us use a think client within our homes and businesses. This is a regular PC or MAC computer with a powerful CPU, RAM, NIC, Storage, software, etc. I use these daily at work and home. Your laptop is also a think client. This may also be referred to as "fat" or "heavy" computing. Now that you understand the thick client, I believe it is much easier to understand what a thin client is. A thin client utilizes a central terminal. It has a modest CPU and RAM, but relies mostly on the centralized CPU and RAM. Processing and storage occurs elsewhere. For example, within an office environment everyone will have a screen and a keyboard as normal but the system does not rely on itself as a normal computer operates. All information is sent back to the central terminal.
So what advantages does this have?

  • More efficient use of resources
  • Initial setup maybe for expensive, but over the long run money is saved
  • If an individual thin client fails, nothing is lost
  • Hardware repairs much faster
  • Linked clones
  • Allocating hardware and storage as users need
I currently work for a logistics company that uses separate desktop computers for each person and a main server room. I have had my computer fail which left me without a computer for a day. Luckily I saved most of my information on the global drive so I was able to access my information on the new computer, but with the thin client system I would have avoided the down time. Each user has their own OS system and applications but they can be accessed on any thin client within this terminal. 

I believe the thick client computing will be obsolete in the future for businesses. The cost of replacing a desktop computing and upgrading every so ofter gets very expensive. has a great article on the way of the thin client and how it is beneficial. Could thin clients possibly work on our homes as well? Technology has come such a long way that I would not doubt one day being able to access everything on a thin client at home as well. 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Secure Email Project

When reviewing the requirements for this project, I didn't think it would be to difficult. But I had another thing coming! I complete my school work on a Macbook, so the steps were a bit different versus completing this on a PC. Everything was going smoothly until I had a download the certificate, which kept opening in Keychain Access. Needless to say, I have never worked in Keychain access and was unfamiliar with what this did. I finally realized that the certificate needed to be backed up through Firefox, but just had different steps than what was outlined for a PC.

I now understand why secure and encrypted emails are used within businesses. If you receive an email from an outside party with a digital certificate attached or it is encrypted, I would be much more trust worthy of that email.

After reading "Secure email today: extremely beneficial and incredibly convenient" located on Business Managements site, it seems that many businesses may  neglect to use secure email. After a survey was conducted in Germany only 27% of CEO's asked were encrypting their messages and only 36% were signing them. This article list multiple advantages for using encryption and signatures when emailing. 

  • Reason #1- Business Requirement- many businesses should require these steps due to so many emails being sent around with time constraints and important material. This will ensure the data is coming from an accurate source. 
  • Reason #2- Legal Requirements- There are some guidelines to using encryption's and signatures. Most businesses check to make sure they are within law. Some businesses even have procedures for sending emails to ensure the sender is accurate.
  • Reason #3- Customer Trust- If a customer sees the encryption and signature, they feel much safer. Many hackers are using phishing as a means to invade privacy. This will give customers trust and it is a less expensive reassurance. 
Technology is always evolving and businesses much keep up to ensure progress. There are many hackers out there shifting through the internet trying to get in and find personal information. These steps will help prevent that. 

Here is a screen shot of my Thunderbird account:

Week 13: Muddy- Protecting Our Internet Selves

Most of us have been affected my a computer virus. Unfortunately, my computer was not usable after it became infected and it was must easier getting a new computer. Before viewing this weeks lectures, I didn't give much thought to the possibility of getting another virus on my computer. I have a MAC for both my laptop and home computer and would like to think these are not susceptible to viruses, but I am wrong!

Many of us are daily users of Facebook, but do not think of the affects it could have on our computers and also our lives. We have Dell's at work and in my down time, I used to play Farmville. Shortly after my farm began to grow, my computer crashed. This followed on many others around the office, we soon realized that viruses were traveling to our computers through Farmville. Farmville has a statement out stating that they believe some trojans may have hidden behind their links and found their way into out computers, but it hasn't been proven.

We not only have to worry about computer viruses but other people invading our privacy and retrieving valuable information from us. Many people create fake facebooks to become friends with others only to access their information. This is referred to as "Information theft." Stanford has a good website explaining computer crimes and how it may affect you. has a great slide show to demonstrate how to protect yourself on Facebook, such as:

  • Only accept friend request with people you know
  • Customize your profile view to friends only
  • Make sure your photos are "friends only"
  • Hide your information from Google and other search sites

All of this is outlined within the slideshow and show you how to change your Facebook. 

When I was a child, I ran around outside with friends getting dirty. Now this generation is growing up on computers and video games. We need to make sure we teach them how to protect their selves. There are many threats over the internet that they aren't aware of. We maybe more hesitant of online offers for free Ipods or friend request from unknown people but we must remember our children grew up with computers so they maybe more trusting. offers a great article on the dangers of the internet to a child and how to protect your own. 

Make sure you protect yourself and your family from online invasion! There are many helpful sites that offer tips. 

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week 12: Clear- Communication in the Workplace

Through out this weeks lectures, we learned many ways to communicate within your work place. we learned about asynchronous communications and synchronous communications. I use both of these on a daily basis, such as email in which i must wait for the other person to respond. They may not be at their computer to respond right away, but if we were on an instant message chat, I know I will receive a response immediately. Please see below graph which examples both communications:

Email is helpful but when speaking with people right away we use "WebEx" within my company on a daily basis. This allows me to speak with people over the telephone and provide them with a link that will allow them to connect to my desktop. I can control what they see and explain everything in detail. I recently used this when showing new customers how to operate within our system. Unfortunately, there are some limitations of using this "webinar." We must make sure no one else within the company is using this the same time as only so many people are allowed within the program at on time.

Some other useful ways to communicate within the office is by sharing data. Within my department, we share a calendar to ensure not everyone takes the same day off at once. Also when you invite someone within the office to a meeting whether it is over the phone or in person, you are able to send them an email invite. They can accept or deny this invite. If it is accepted, someone else is able to view their calendar to see when they maybe available for another meeting or to make sure nothing overlaps. This is very convenient and eliminates wasting time by trying to schedule around everyone.

So take a look at what types of programs you are using at work and see what may benefit you by sharing calendars or easier communication methods. There is easy to access information available online that explains how to share this data with people within your office. Good luck!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Extra Credit- Second Life

I have not had any experience with Second Life and thought it would be a good experience online. I downloaded all of the files needed and began at Orientation Island. At first, I was very confused by what to do. I had to learn the controls and how to operate the character. I changed my appearance and learned different expressions and body languages. Right after my orientation, I jumped into things and soon learned that you needed money to buy things from the mall and other stores. It took me a while to find other people within Second Life. I made a few mistakes by teleporting to random places which ended up being peoples private homes. But I soon got the hang of it.

I have visited many places but some of my favorites are New York City, Off The Wall, and NCI Kuula. I made friends with many people that taught me how things work within Second Life. Janey explained things very well as not to look at this as a video game having to accomplish things but as every day life. She explained that you have the options to rent or own your land. Sometimes it can be easier to rent so you don't owe as much. Of course if you don't pay, you get evicted or lose your land. I found a neat spot to earn money. The longer I sat at the spot the more money I earned. People want you to visit their places. You can build island, homes, parks, or anything else. I met a few friends who were kind enough to give me money, tea, and clothing. Check out a few images from within Second Life of my character:

I was able to locate a dance club within NY and show them a few moves! I had alot of fun meeting new people and discussing what was going on around the world. I was very surprised to find out this world works much like the real world. You can find many friends within Second Life. I suggest you try it out! You don't have to be yourself. You can be anyone you want to be!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week 11: Clear- Implementation of a New System

During this week, we learned about the in's and out's of an information system. There are numerous steps in creating an information system:

  1. Planning
  2. Analysis
  3. Design
  4. Implementation
  5. Operation, support, security
I never realized it took so much to develop a new system. But what I want to focus on is the implementation phase. Two years ago, my company, NYK Logistics, began implementing a new system. Our old system was outdated and unable to hold all of our information. I do not believe our company did the best job at implementing this change. All of the employees were aware of the change but were not told how to use the system. The system change was a direct change, which is the "just do it" sort of strategy. Since we have been in the new system, there are continuous changes and fixes. I have developed a good relationship with the IT team who is broken down into certain specifications of the system. There is an IT team for the LTL system, a team for developing new quote systems, and an IT team for the customer portal. I am sure there are many more out there as well! 

Since the implementation of the new system and with the continuous improvements, the new enhancements are tested out within our "BETA" system. Once it works within out BETA system, it is pushed through for process within the "real" system. So make sure to keep everyone in mind when converting to a new system because it will affect everyone. Remember these key factors:
  1. Develop New programs
  2. Install and Test
  3. Train
  4. Convert
Be sure to include everyone in making announcements about these changes such as the immediate supervisors, upper management and even the CEO. This will help the users adjust easier to the changes.


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Database Project: Access 2003

We have been reviewing Microsoft Access in class for the past few weeks and I find the database program very easy to navigate. Throughout the course of completing my project, I did hit a few snags but nothing that I couldn't over come. I have taken Access classes in the past so I remember much of the information. Unfortunately, I only have Apple's so I had to use my mothers computer which has Access 2003. I would say that the 2007 version is much improved!! When auto numbering my MemberID's. I found that when adding in a new form the auto numbers would randomly generate in large negative numbers. I was unable to figure out why it was doing this. It only did it for two forms but the others were correct! I can see why this knowledge would be beneficial within the work place. Access saves alot of time typing when you can just import tables you have already created. You can run reports, queries, or add more information. It is a great way to navigate through information.

I work for a logistics company and we recently converted to a new program to manage our information. The old program was created and used through Access. It was very advanced but we began losing information. We have millions of "loads" which had to be archived into another system. This was the largest limitation when using Access. Our new system works through the Internet, so we are able to have an unlimited amount of information. But over all, as I previously stated I believe Access is a great system with not to many faults. There is a great deal of information over the Internet and books available on how to navigate through Access 2007. Microsoft provides a great deal of helpful information online. Here are top ten reasons why Microsoft suggest using Access with Excel as well!

So take a risk and give Access a shot. And remember if you have the 2007 version available it is much improved compared to the 2003!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Week 10: Clear- How Can Access Help You?

After watching all of the lectures this week and reviewing the book, I began to realize how much Access can help me both in my professional and personal life. I never realize how much detail was involved when using Access, but also how much easier Microsoft has made Access 2007.

When I first began looking around in Microsoft Access, I was a little overwhelmed by the options and really where to being. But after I learned how to create tables and run reports or queries on them, it began to fall into place. There is a great definition within Wikipedia about Microsoft Access. This definition gives you a quick look at what "real" people out there think of Microsoft and how it can help. Now you might be asking yourself...Why or what would I use Microsoft Access for? Well many people have created simple databases that can help manage data at their workplace. This will demonstrate your value to your company and help improve data management. You may also want to use a database at home for you personal contacts or if you have a business ran from your home.

There are so many great features within Microsoft Access that caught my attention, such as being able to lock certain areas so others can only view them and not edit them. This is beneficial within my company because we need to ensure some lanes of data is not changed. Here is a few great reasons other have used Microsoft Access:

  1. Its cheap
  2. Its easy
  3. Development costs less
  4. Prototyping is a snap
  5. Its easy to upsize
  6. Its a one time fling
  7. It can provide a quick fix
  8. Flexible changes
  9. It communicates with Office
  10. It offers connectability
So take time to look around and see what you maybe able to accomplish it in. There are any free references online that will walk you through how to operate the system or build a database that will benefit you. <Hyper>gurl does a great demonstration on how to create a database from scratch with great videos to walk you through it. 

Good luck!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Presentation and Web 2.0 Project- NYK Logistics

This presentation gave me some difficulties! I had a hard time with the sound and uploading the video onto a site that would support the sound as well as the slides. But after much time searching the internet for answers, I finally found some! I had to use Camtasia to record my video from the computer screen. Unfortunately, there is a slight echo through the presentation but I worked with what I had! Take a look at the video and see what you think!

Project link: NYK Logistics

When reviewing the presentation critique, I believe I did very well. The NYK presentation has a logical flow and sequence of content. There were many facts as well as a helpful video to help someone decide if NYK Logistics was a good transportation company for them. I do think this presentation may only grab certain peoples attention. For example, a business owner who ships product on a regular basis will be more drown to the video instead of a younger waitress. I believe the facts were presented well without clutter. The video is easy to follow. I found it hard to critique someone else's video because I know they worked on it just as hard as I did. They may have had some technological glitches along the way as well!

When creating the presentation, I checked to ensure none of the copyright laws were being violated. I found to be very helpful. They have numerous business related photos that I am able to use free of charge. I also found it very helpful to create a storyboard before I began working on my presentation to avoid getting off track. It was simple, but offered guidelines so I knew what I was looking for. 

I felt it was important at the end of the video to close with a personal touch. That is why I chose to video tape myself with the closing statements. I plan to use this in the future and found it very helpful. Even though it was frustrating at times, within the logistics field, we are always looking for new ways to promote our services. 

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Week 9:Clear- Browsing The Web At Work!

My generation is probably the last generation to know what it feels like to not have the internet. I was introduced to the internet at an early age of 12, but I do still remember times when we didn't get online to communicate with everyone and had to call them on the telephone instead. But that time has come and gone for most. Now are the days of emails and online chats. When are bored instead of trying to find something to do, you can just simply get online and the hours will fly by!

This is what we call "browsing the web." Rather you are looking through Youtube for funny videos or searching Facebook for all of your friends updates, you are "browsing." Most people have access to a computer and work which will cut into your productive work time. In 2003, its estimated that 77 million people use a computer at work and I can only imagine that number growing within the years! I often sit at my desk and find myself on Ebay looking through stuff i want to purchase instead of getting my work done. So how do you avoid these times of personal internet usage on the job?

Here are 14 simple tips from Zen Habits that may help:
  • Use a fast, minimal browser.
  • Use tabs not windows.
  • Learn keyboard shortcuts.
  • Set up keyword bookmarks and speed dial.
  • Set up keyword searches.
  • Set up keyword bookmark lets.
  • Fast online bookmarking.
  • Block Flash.
  • Distraction-free reading and videos
  • Turn off most extensions
  • Don’t have a million tabs open
  • Clear most of your toolbars.
  • Organizing your passwords
  • Tuning out the Internet.
This information can be found on their webiste at Zen Habits. I am going to start putting these into practice at work right away!
Make sure you know your company's internet usage policy so when you do use the internet, you will not have any risk of affecting your job performance. Some companies monitor their employees internet usage so if you do browse while on the job, make sure it is an appropriate site. Make a list of sites that you believe are appropriate to look at in your down time such as new sites. If your boss walks by and you have some free time, I am sure your local news site would be handled differently than Facebook. If you are in doubt, leave the personal web browsing for home!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Week 7: Clear- Creating an effective Presentation

After reviewing the course material for this week, I was very excited about the upcoming presentation project. There are so many possibilities out their for presentations, but where to begin? I think one of the hardest steps most people have it actually beginning a project. This involves thinking of an idea. This reminds me of my earlier college days were I would write a paper and then title it due t not being able to think of a title before the paper was finished. But we cant take that approach in this case. We must formulate an idea. Think of things you are excited or passionate about and how it can relate to the business world. What would you want to hear when listening to someone's presentation? There are many things to consider. I know this can be challenging at first but once you have an idea, it only gets easier from there!

Make sure you map out your ideas on a piece of paper. Create a storyboard. I found a great article on creating storyboard and how some of the great people through history have worked on theirs. This will help you develop your presentation. throughout all the steps of creating a presentation, I enjoy this step the most! I have fun with drawing images and briefly describing what I will be discussing.

After creating your storyboard, you may begin putting the presentation together. There are many different types of tools to use. In the business environment it helps to include charts and graphs. But be careful not to create to much noise within your presentation. You do not want to overwhelm or confuse the audience with your slides. For example, see the below slide which is a bit much!
There is simply to much going on for the audience to be able to pay attention to you as well as the image. Instead, draw the image as you are talking or make it simply so you must explain it to the audience and they can follow it with you. For example:
You can explain to the audience what is represent where on the graph. There is plenty of material online to help you with creating a great presentation. Take a look at the "Basics of Presentation Skills."

Once you have mastered the skill of creating a great presentation, it is a very helpful tool within the work place. You can show your managers that you have a ability to convey information in a great way that others can understand. So dive into the task of completing a presentation!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Week 6: Muddy- Which Image Type to Use?

When viewing this weeks lectures from class, I learned a great deal! I work with a computer on a daily basis but I am unfamiliar with what type of image format will be useful in different situations. There are two types of multimedia images that are available to us which are raster and vector graphics. Most of us use some type of social networking on the computer and possibly put up personal pictures, but many sites such as Facebook make selecting a photo very easy. But what happens if you need to select the correct format for a work presentation that others may view? That's when knowledge of these types of images come into play.
Raster graphics or "Bitmap" use an array of color dots which if you magnify the picture will become blotchy. So when cropping or resizing this image, that becomes a problem. For example, take a look at the below image. The flower is beautiful when it is not magnified, but when you zoom in, it becomes blocky.
This can be a major issue if you have to present this to clients or in a professional atmosphere.

To avoid this issue, you can use vector graphics. Vector graphics can be magnified with no loss of quality. Vector graphics use more primitive designs that allow the image to be magnified without issue. Take a look at an example of both when magnifying.

As you can see there is a huge difference! When selecting the type of graphic you want to use you must also keep other issues in mind such as how will the image look when if I need to crop or resize it or what amount of space will it take up? I found some interesting information on which type of graphic to choose when designing a logo for your company. Take a look at the ideas posted by Mash.

So before you being in you journey into saving and editing images, make sure if find out as much information as possible on both types of graphics and which will be most useful for your purpose!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Excel Project

My professor gave us a challenging task to take on for our first project. We were to take raw data and formulate it into a readable spreadsheet along with unique pivot tables. When I first read the directions for this project, I grew anxious with anticipation. I work with Excel on a daily basis and also create pivot tables to send to our large customers. This will be a way to utilize and improve my skills. I was working smoothly through step one until I reached "targeting the heart rate", which we needed to create a formula to utilize on address that when changed will auto populate the heart rate percentage through the data. I found this to be difficult, but after playing around with different formulas and weighing my options, I finally pulled the formula together. Take a look at the Microsoft guide for creating formulas within Excel if you need help.

After completing all necessary tasks within the raw data, I needed to create two pivot tables. Over the past six months within my company, I have learned a great deal about pivot tables due to our growing clients needs. Pivot tables are helpful in most business situations. After reading the directions for the pivot tables, I selected the needed data to complete the pivot table. After placing the appropriate data into the fields, I also fancied it up a bit. Unfortunately, I completed my work within Excel 2003 so I do not have the great pivot tables options that Excel 2010 has. I recommend that if you have Excel 2010 available to play around and see the different options. Take a look at my "AvgIncrease" pivot table:

After completing this project, I felt accomplished. I took a look over it and feel that it is easy to read and understand which is very important when passing this information on one anyone regardless of if its your professor or client. So jump in head first and play around with Excel and learn pivot tables!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Week 5: Clear - Pivot Tables in the Work Place

I really enjoyed the lectures provided this week on Excel. I work with Excel on a daily basis and think I am pretty familiar with the system. But it is always nice to see how someone else may work out problems. I deal with a customer some of you maybe familiar with..... Coca Cola, on a daily basis. My company ships there point of sales products and Coca Cola requires daily updates on the shipments along with monthly data. To provide this data I use Excel to create list, pivot tables and graphs. All of with are easy to read and understand. Unfortunately, my work has an older version of Excel, but I work with what I have!

Everyday I come in and begin by importing my data into an excel spreadsheet. I then follow by editing the data into formulas that are needed to receive the appropriate information. After the spreadsheet is complete, I create the pivot table. Once my pivot table is complete, I import the information into a graph. This may sound foreign now but I can do this at the snap of a finger. And you can too! It is much easier than you think. It all began by opening Excel and playing around. The help tab is very useful and I will even google things that I am having trouble. Often many other had the same problems and posted them online. Many functions are available through Excel. I have often sat at my desk for hours playing around with creating my own functions to solve issues. The online Office guide is also helpful to creating your own functions. You may even create the pivot table through the graph by simply selecting the graph option and dragging the data into into the correct graph areas. This will populate the information within the pivot table on a separate page. Here is an example of a pivot graph below:
You are able to edit these graphs into tables, charts, line or pie. If you work in a business environment, I would recommend becoming familiar with these tools. It will impress your boss when you need to provide data and you supply a chart along with it. VideoJug has a great video posted on "How to Impress Your Boss with a Pivot Table" with very usual steps. Just think of it as climbing the ladder to success!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Week 4: Muddy- Software Legalities

After purchasing any new software for my computer, I usually plug in the disk and run through the setup. I breeze by the screen that is far to long for me to take time out and read while I am anxiously anticipating playing with my new software. I am sure many of you do the same thing. Until recently, I didn't realize how serious the terms that I am agreeing to are. After watching the lecture, I understood what all that was. It was called the EULA, which is contract that defines how the software can be used. EULA stands for End User License Agreement. It protects both you and company on various things. Obviously the company wants to make money off of their product and this also enables them to do that. Once you have downloaded the software, the developer has assumed that you agree to the terms.

Most EULAS can be accessed by viewing the about section of the software. Take a look at the software on your computer and view some of the legal terms. I wasn't sure what to think at first. But I soon found out that if you break a EULA that you have agreed to the software provider can take legal action against you. So it is something to take very serious! When investigating this, I found that some software companies throw many things in their EULAS that people don't even realize they are agreeing to. For example, when installing War of Worldcraft, you agree to installing spyware on your computer as well. Take a look at the site that gives consumers the choice to fight back against the EULA. It makes a good point in the article stating that consumers do not have the option to negotiate the terms of these EULAS at all but simply have to agree or not use the software. All software programs have EULAS and most appear to be the same. Take a quick look at an example EULA and see for yourself how detailed they are!

So think twice before you skip through the small print when installing new software. Take the time to read the terms and agreements. But even after you read them are you likely to take the software back because of the EULA? Would you choose "I accept?"

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Week 3: Muddy- Computer Retirement?

I recently watched a lecture in which my professor explained the ways to get rid of an unwanted computer. To be honest, I have never thought of it before and just simply thought I should place in on the side of the road with the rest of the trash, but I was incorrect. There are multiple reasons as to why you would not want to simply throw away your computer. You may receive fines! I recently moved and needed to get rid of my old computer so I simply pawned it a local pawn shop. My theory was that someone would be able to use it and I would receive cash in return. Well I missed a few key things before taking it in. I should have removed all data to avoid data exposure. Luckily, none of my information has been used since the pawn 4 years ago. There are multiple ways to dispose of data on a computer whether you are donating it or not. DBAN is a great tool to use when trying to remove everything from your computer. This will ensure the protection of your personal information before getting rid of the computer. There are many uses for your old computer, whether you think it is worth it or not:
  • Charitable donation ( make sure it is a working computer and not trash)
  • Add more RAm or see other available upgrades
  • Remove all hazardous items from within and take them to proper locations
  • Sell it to someone who needs it
I found many more great ideas on for ways to reuse your old computer. It may takes some time and some elbow grease to get an old computer back up to standards but there are many people out there that would love to just have any computer.
I am glad that the professor reviewed this within the lecture. I think this is over looked by many people today that are not "tech-savy." I use a computer on a daily basis but did not take into account what to do with it when I needed a new one or had to dispose or it. Also keep in mind that when you purchase a computer, some companies will offer disposal of your old computers or you may be able to pay for payment right then and there for disposal of your new one in the future.

Or would you want your yard to end up looking like this??.....

Helpful Tips:
Use a cross shredder for all optical media, degauss all unusable media, or if you are unsure contact the manufacture for more details on disposal. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Week 2: Clear- Motherboards

When first viewing the online lectures provided by our professor, I didn't understand how a computer worked. I now realize that our computers have an endless number our working parts. Within my household, we have 3 computers. Even though I use computers on a daily basis for work, school and fun, I never stopped to think about how my laptop or desktop actually work.

The motherboard is the "main circuit board." This is where every component can be mounted. We own all Apple computers within our home, so the motherboard is more commonly referred to as a "logic board." Everything that is essential to our computers are mounted on the motherboard. If you would like to add more memory to your computer or possibly wireless internet, this is all done through the motherboard and a few other key parts within the mother board. Since the invention of the computer, motherboards are becoming increasingly faster. Technology advances every year so the motherboards must be able to support more functions. There are hundreds of sites that offer advice on whether to upgrade your old motherboard or advance to a new one. They also provide tips on how to install upgrades. I found very helpful and even thought about ways to improve my home computers. Here is a good diagram with the internal workings of a motherboard:

I grew up in a generation where computers were just becoming accessible to the public. We got our first home computer when I was in 3rd grade. I soon learned the ways of AOL and we have all seen how it has advanced since then. I believe younger generations will also be unfamiliar with the motherboard and the inner workings of the computer since it has always been there for them to use. Computers are much more obtainable and the prices get lower and lower everyday. I believe it is important for our children to understand technology and the options that are available.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Extra Credit- Create an Avatar: My Online Self!

Creating an avatar was a very easy and interesting process. I did not realize there are so many options out t here to personalize your avatar. I visited Meez, which is a site where you are able to create a free avatar and have unlimited options! When beginning to create my avatar, I had to decide whether I wanted to base it off of my actual self or create an alternate me. I decided to create an avatar as close to my real self as possible. The hair style is even the exact same style I wear!
After you decide on the eye, hair, face, and dress attire, you have an option to place an "attitude" on your avatar. Maybe it is something you do or hand jester you make all the time. I chose to have hearts floating above my head because I am getting married next April and I have been VERY busy with the planning. Plus I have beyond excited to marry my fiance'. Take a look at my actual picture versus my avatar and let me know what you think!

Now go out there and give it a shot! I had a lot of fun trying to create my online self!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Week 1: Clear- Bots Within Search Engines

I use a search engine everyday at work, but I never stopped to think about how the search engines work and pull the information I am looking for. In order for these search engines to work, they rely on "bots" which may also be referred to as spiders, crawlers or many other names. These programs run through millions of pages searching for related information which is added into that search engines database. The bots repeat this process for the most up to date information available within the search engines index. Some search engines may have broader indexes than others.

Some search engines use multiple bots for different types of searches to ensure their indexes are up to date. One type of bot maybe designed for deep searching that may only happen once a month due to the time constraints. While another bot may search through the Web multiple times in one hour. As you may have noticed, some search engines yield more results than others. This is a factor of the bots and the depth of the search engines index or database.

If you have your own website, it is a positive thing to have bots "crawling" around your page. You want to welcome the bots which means your page is being indexed. This will hopefully increase your views and allow more people to access your page who may have not known it existed without the use of a search engine. Read "What Exactly is a Bot?" for a good article about bots within your web pages.
For my generation, it is hard to remember a time without a search engine, whether it was dial up AOL or another slower form. I use search engines daily now and without them I am unsure how I would find information. Information is much more accessible with t he help of bots. Of course, we are able to do good, old fashion library searching, but we have relied on having fast access to information for so long, we may not know what to do in a library! But when we think of future generations, do we want them to rely so heavily on search engines? I still remember card catalogs but even the libraries rely on a search engine. Technology is great, but if we rely on it to much we may regret it in the future.