Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week 12: Clear- Communication in the Workplace

Through out this weeks lectures, we learned many ways to communicate within your work place. we learned about asynchronous communications and synchronous communications. I use both of these on a daily basis, such as email in which i must wait for the other person to respond. They may not be at their computer to respond right away, but if we were on an instant message chat, I know I will receive a response immediately. Please see below graph which examples both communications:

Email is helpful but when speaking with people right away we use "WebEx" within my company on a daily basis. This allows me to speak with people over the telephone and provide them with a link that will allow them to connect to my desktop. I can control what they see and explain everything in detail. I recently used this when showing new customers how to operate within our system. Unfortunately, there are some limitations of using this "webinar." We must make sure no one else within the company is using this the same time as only so many people are allowed within the program at on time.

Some other useful ways to communicate within the office is by sharing data. Within my department, we share a calendar to ensure not everyone takes the same day off at once. Also when you invite someone within the office to a meeting whether it is over the phone or in person, you are able to send them an email invite. They can accept or deny this invite. If it is accepted, someone else is able to view their calendar to see when they maybe available for another meeting or to make sure nothing overlaps. This is very convenient and eliminates wasting time by trying to schedule around everyone.

So take a look at what types of programs you are using at work and see what may benefit you by sharing calendars or easier communication methods. There is easy to access information available online that explains how to share this data with people within your office. Good luck!

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