Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Excel Project

My professor gave us a challenging task to take on for our first project. We were to take raw data and formulate it into a readable spreadsheet along with unique pivot tables. When I first read the directions for this project, I grew anxious with anticipation. I work with Excel on a daily basis and also create pivot tables to send to our large customers. This will be a way to utilize and improve my skills. I was working smoothly through step one until I reached "targeting the heart rate", which we needed to create a formula to utilize on address that when changed will auto populate the heart rate percentage through the data. I found this to be difficult, but after playing around with different formulas and weighing my options, I finally pulled the formula together. Take a look at the Microsoft guide for creating formulas within Excel if you need help.

After completing all necessary tasks within the raw data, I needed to create two pivot tables. Over the past six months within my company, I have learned a great deal about pivot tables due to our growing clients needs. Pivot tables are helpful in most business situations. After reading the directions for the pivot tables, I selected the needed data to complete the pivot table. After placing the appropriate data into the fields, I also fancied it up a bit. Unfortunately, I completed my work within Excel 2003 so I do not have the great pivot tables options that Excel 2010 has. I recommend that if you have Excel 2010 available to play around and see the different options. Take a look at my "AvgIncrease" pivot table:

After completing this project, I felt accomplished. I took a look over it and feel that it is easy to read and understand which is very important when passing this information on one anyone regardless of if its your professor or client. So jump in head first and play around with Excel and learn pivot tables!!

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