Sunday, October 31, 2010

Week 10: Clear- How Can Access Help You?

After watching all of the lectures this week and reviewing the book, I began to realize how much Access can help me both in my professional and personal life. I never realize how much detail was involved when using Access, but also how much easier Microsoft has made Access 2007.

When I first began looking around in Microsoft Access, I was a little overwhelmed by the options and really where to being. But after I learned how to create tables and run reports or queries on them, it began to fall into place. There is a great definition within Wikipedia about Microsoft Access. This definition gives you a quick look at what "real" people out there think of Microsoft and how it can help. Now you might be asking yourself...Why or what would I use Microsoft Access for? Well many people have created simple databases that can help manage data at their workplace. This will demonstrate your value to your company and help improve data management. You may also want to use a database at home for you personal contacts or if you have a business ran from your home.

There are so many great features within Microsoft Access that caught my attention, such as being able to lock certain areas so others can only view them and not edit them. This is beneficial within my company because we need to ensure some lanes of data is not changed. Here is a few great reasons other have used Microsoft Access:

  1. Its cheap
  2. Its easy
  3. Development costs less
  4. Prototyping is a snap
  5. Its easy to upsize
  6. Its a one time fling
  7. It can provide a quick fix
  8. Flexible changes
  9. It communicates with Office
  10. It offers connectability
So take time to look around and see what you maybe able to accomplish it in. There are any free references online that will walk you through how to operate the system or build a database that will benefit you. <Hyper>gurl does a great demonstration on how to create a database from scratch with great videos to walk you through it. 

Good luck!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Presentation and Web 2.0 Project- NYK Logistics

This presentation gave me some difficulties! I had a hard time with the sound and uploading the video onto a site that would support the sound as well as the slides. But after much time searching the internet for answers, I finally found some! I had to use Camtasia to record my video from the computer screen. Unfortunately, there is a slight echo through the presentation but I worked with what I had! Take a look at the video and see what you think!

Project link: NYK Logistics

When reviewing the presentation critique, I believe I did very well. The NYK presentation has a logical flow and sequence of content. There were many facts as well as a helpful video to help someone decide if NYK Logistics was a good transportation company for them. I do think this presentation may only grab certain peoples attention. For example, a business owner who ships product on a regular basis will be more drown to the video instead of a younger waitress. I believe the facts were presented well without clutter. The video is easy to follow. I found it hard to critique someone else's video because I know they worked on it just as hard as I did. They may have had some technological glitches along the way as well!

When creating the presentation, I checked to ensure none of the copyright laws were being violated. I found to be very helpful. They have numerous business related photos that I am able to use free of charge. I also found it very helpful to create a storyboard before I began working on my presentation to avoid getting off track. It was simple, but offered guidelines so I knew what I was looking for. 

I felt it was important at the end of the video to close with a personal touch. That is why I chose to video tape myself with the closing statements. I plan to use this in the future and found it very helpful. Even though it was frustrating at times, within the logistics field, we are always looking for new ways to promote our services. 

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Week 9:Clear- Browsing The Web At Work!

My generation is probably the last generation to know what it feels like to not have the internet. I was introduced to the internet at an early age of 12, but I do still remember times when we didn't get online to communicate with everyone and had to call them on the telephone instead. But that time has come and gone for most. Now are the days of emails and online chats. When are bored instead of trying to find something to do, you can just simply get online and the hours will fly by!

This is what we call "browsing the web." Rather you are looking through Youtube for funny videos or searching Facebook for all of your friends updates, you are "browsing." Most people have access to a computer and work which will cut into your productive work time. In 2003, its estimated that 77 million people use a computer at work and I can only imagine that number growing within the years! I often sit at my desk and find myself on Ebay looking through stuff i want to purchase instead of getting my work done. So how do you avoid these times of personal internet usage on the job?

Here are 14 simple tips from Zen Habits that may help:
  • Use a fast, minimal browser.
  • Use tabs not windows.
  • Learn keyboard shortcuts.
  • Set up keyword bookmarks and speed dial.
  • Set up keyword searches.
  • Set up keyword bookmark lets.
  • Fast online bookmarking.
  • Block Flash.
  • Distraction-free reading and videos
  • Turn off most extensions
  • Don’t have a million tabs open
  • Clear most of your toolbars.
  • Organizing your passwords
  • Tuning out the Internet.
This information can be found on their webiste at Zen Habits. I am going to start putting these into practice at work right away!
Make sure you know your company's internet usage policy so when you do use the internet, you will not have any risk of affecting your job performance. Some companies monitor their employees internet usage so if you do browse while on the job, make sure it is an appropriate site. Make a list of sites that you believe are appropriate to look at in your down time such as new sites. If your boss walks by and you have some free time, I am sure your local news site would be handled differently than Facebook. If you are in doubt, leave the personal web browsing for home!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Week 7: Clear- Creating an effective Presentation

After reviewing the course material for this week, I was very excited about the upcoming presentation project. There are so many possibilities out their for presentations, but where to begin? I think one of the hardest steps most people have it actually beginning a project. This involves thinking of an idea. This reminds me of my earlier college days were I would write a paper and then title it due t not being able to think of a title before the paper was finished. But we cant take that approach in this case. We must formulate an idea. Think of things you are excited or passionate about and how it can relate to the business world. What would you want to hear when listening to someone's presentation? There are many things to consider. I know this can be challenging at first but once you have an idea, it only gets easier from there!

Make sure you map out your ideas on a piece of paper. Create a storyboard. I found a great article on creating storyboard and how some of the great people through history have worked on theirs. This will help you develop your presentation. throughout all the steps of creating a presentation, I enjoy this step the most! I have fun with drawing images and briefly describing what I will be discussing.

After creating your storyboard, you may begin putting the presentation together. There are many different types of tools to use. In the business environment it helps to include charts and graphs. But be careful not to create to much noise within your presentation. You do not want to overwhelm or confuse the audience with your slides. For example, see the below slide which is a bit much!
There is simply to much going on for the audience to be able to pay attention to you as well as the image. Instead, draw the image as you are talking or make it simply so you must explain it to the audience and they can follow it with you. For example:
You can explain to the audience what is represent where on the graph. There is plenty of material online to help you with creating a great presentation. Take a look at the "Basics of Presentation Skills."

Once you have mastered the skill of creating a great presentation, it is a very helpful tool within the work place. You can show your managers that you have a ability to convey information in a great way that others can understand. So dive into the task of completing a presentation!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Week 6: Muddy- Which Image Type to Use?

When viewing this weeks lectures from class, I learned a great deal! I work with a computer on a daily basis but I am unfamiliar with what type of image format will be useful in different situations. There are two types of multimedia images that are available to us which are raster and vector graphics. Most of us use some type of social networking on the computer and possibly put up personal pictures, but many sites such as Facebook make selecting a photo very easy. But what happens if you need to select the correct format for a work presentation that others may view? That's when knowledge of these types of images come into play.
Raster graphics or "Bitmap" use an array of color dots which if you magnify the picture will become blotchy. So when cropping or resizing this image, that becomes a problem. For example, take a look at the below image. The flower is beautiful when it is not magnified, but when you zoom in, it becomes blocky.
This can be a major issue if you have to present this to clients or in a professional atmosphere.

To avoid this issue, you can use vector graphics. Vector graphics can be magnified with no loss of quality. Vector graphics use more primitive designs that allow the image to be magnified without issue. Take a look at an example of both when magnifying.

As you can see there is a huge difference! When selecting the type of graphic you want to use you must also keep other issues in mind such as how will the image look when if I need to crop or resize it or what amount of space will it take up? I found some interesting information on which type of graphic to choose when designing a logo for your company. Take a look at the ideas posted by Mash.

So before you being in you journey into saving and editing images, make sure if find out as much information as possible on both types of graphics and which will be most useful for your purpose!